TREESTAL CAFE, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China
TREESTAL CAFE is a newly opened coffee shop, has naturally become a new gathering place for art and youth with its refreshing style. In order to provide customers with more accurate and efficient service, it chose to install a wireless call system.
- The blue single Call Button WPE200 is installed at each table, and as long as the customer needs service, press the service button.
- The Pager Host WPE1500 on the desk receives the call information synchronously and alerts the service personnel to the service in the form of music or voice calling.
The application of the wireless call system has improved the service level of TREESTAL CAFE and brought customers a home experience.
Installation time: July, 2017
Address: Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China
Product recommended
Common used products are call button WPE200, and display pager WPE1500.
Want to see more Cafe Paging System, please click Cafe Paging System
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